Vera G. Klein (*1958)

Veráce : Illustrator, Biographer and Life Artist

On turning 50 Vera became the director of the Dutch Biographical Institute, and simultaneously began a creative working collaboration with Christopher Bee. Gradually she became aware that she was dedicatedly following the path of her Life Mission of contributing to the growth and nurturing of Work with Biographical Development around the World. Over the years she has drawn inspiration from many movements and teachings, such as Anthroposophy, Buddhism, Gnosticism and Philosophy.

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Christopher Bee (*1953)

Christophori : Author, Therapist, Trainer, Spiritual Ecologist

Christopher initiated (EU 2006) and directed the Christophori International certificated professional training in Applied Biographical Development based on Anthroposophical Spiritual Science; now established under independent collegial direction with his continuing mentorship in Germany, Romania and Switzerland. Authoring Edition Biographæa is an ongoing fulfiment of his dedication to the evolution of Work with Biographical Development as an integral component of the Consciousness Soul Development of Humanity.

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