Christopher Bee (*1953)

Christophori : Author, Therapist, Trainer, Spiritual Ecologist

Born and raised in the UK. Commenced higher education with University Degree as Dip. Psychologist (Sussex UK 1976), whilst launching a portfolio career in Multimedia Media Art, Design & Curation in connection with his ongoing esoteric studies and research (UK, US, FR, ES, DE 1970-1989); culminating in the co-foundation of Sangral e.V.(DE 1988) to facilitate the exhibition and loan of works of art from European collections and studios inspired by Anthroposophical Spiritual Science.

After settling in Germany (DE 1987) he pursued further professional training, i.a. Dip. Artistic & Creative Form Therapy (CH 1991-1994), Consciousness Schooling (DE 1994-2012), Psychotherapeutic and Biographical Counselling (1993-2003); during these years he established (DE 1991) a consulting & teaching practice for Spiritual Psychotherapy, Biographical Healing, Sacral Metamorphosis and Consciousness Soul Schooling.

After moving to Lake Constance (DE 1998), he co-founded a community building initiative Heilwesen am Bodensee to facilitate a dialogical culture via coordination of meetings for practitioners of healing professions in this Four-Country Region (EU 2000-2003).

Subsequently he became a founding (CH 2003) and coordinating (EU 2007-2023) member of International Trainers Forum ITF for professional trainings in Work with Biographical Development represented in the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum.

Parallel he initiated (EU 2006) and directed the Christophori International certificated professional training in Applied Biographical Development based on Spiritual Science; now established under independent collegial direction with his continuing mentorship in Germany, Romania and Switzerland.

Following inauguration of the biennial Worldwide Biography Conference WBC at the Goetheanum (EU 2001) for professionals working with biographical development, he has co‑facilitated continuity and coordination of programme development (EU 2008-2024).

In 1999 he was called to worldwide representation of the Life Work of Gerhard Reisch (1899-1975); becoming president of the German (DE 2003) and Swiss (CH 2014) charitable foundations which protect and mediate this Archive of Original Pictures and Writings.

Christopher Bee is family father of five children by two marriages.